It’s been more than half a year since my last post on this blog. Much has been lost, and much has been gained. The most significant of losses would be the sale of the cafe that I used to operate. One year of caring for something can bring about a kind of emotional attachment and feeling of loss. However, with the sale of the cafe, there were significant gains too. I have gained:
1) Good experience in running a business.
2) Good experience in running a business… as a sole owner (trust me, this is really tough. But also in my experience a necessary step to develop to the next level).
3) The necessary capital to start on my next business venture (this time, with more confidence placed on me by others due to my experience) with other business partners.
4) Knowledge of what works and what doesn’t for the product and applying it in the next business.
5) Fond memories of staff, family, friends, customers, and the struggle of making something work.
6) A new appreciation of doing business and what is required of me as a person to operate one.

The sale of the cafe was a business decision that I felt was the best step forward in order to grow, both for my self as a person and the business entity. It sits well in my heart because it was the right time and the right move.
How is this small snippet of me and my (ex) cafe related in any way with the title of this blog post?
For the past few months, I have been reciting gratitude before I sleep every night (i.e. 10 things that I’m grateful for today). While I cannot tell for sure if it provides a direct, positive effect on my mental health, it sure did develop a habit to think in a more positive way. And with that habit, came improved mental health.
To me, it is a fact of life that the bad and the good are inseparable. Sometimes, it may appear that there is more bad than good, and vice versa. Deep sadness comes from thinking that life is all bad, and overwhelming anxiety comes from wanting things to be good at all times. Such psychological disturbances, I believe, comes from a projection of personal expectations, thoughts, and beliefs, that do not reflect how life is supposed to be.
The mind is just like a muscle; it needs to be regularly trained and fed with the right nutrients in order for it to grow. Among the many things that can be done for good mental health, practicing gratitude in daily life is one of those that I highly recommend. This is not a way to gain instant happiness, but instead to develop the habit to be happy and to allow ourselves to be fed with the positivity that we require in daily life.
A philosopher by the name of Descartes once came to a conclusion that he exists based on the principle of “cogito ergo sum”, which means “I think, therefore I am”. To me, this carries a personal meaning of “how we think defines who we are”. As I end this blog post, I implore my readers to ponder: What kind of person would you like to be, and how do you think in order to be that kind of person?
2 thoughts on “I think, therefore I am.”
I really enjoy reading your post and I admire the passion you have about life. Keep it going 🙂
Ronald Lee
Hi Ronald, thanks for dropping by and taking the time to read this blog of mine. I appreciate the kind encouragement, and wishing you all the best for 2017!
Alvin Tan Kuan Sean
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